Awaken to your Freedom

Navigate Chaos, Create Your own Reality and your Freedom with new Life Philosophy.

The Life Philosophy for

Modern Free People

Do you feel trapped and confused in a world gone mad? Luciddhism is your jailbreak from the matrix of bullshit.

It is a new Life Philosophy for you who want to feel connected – but at the same time find it difficult to buy into the traditional spiritual practices and dogmatic religions with age old rules that doesn’t fit the world we live in today.

Learn to look through the chaos, shatter your mental chains, and become the badass creator of your own reality. Learn to accept yourself – and liberate from the concept of guilt and sin.  

Warning: Side effects may include uncontrollable authenticity, chronic mind-expansion, and the ability to thrive in a world that’s lost its damn mind. Ready to wake up and live free?

Dive into Luciddhism – your guidebook for thriving in the beautiful chaos of existence.

Lucidism is VERY different from your typical faith or rulebook. It’s a fresh perspective, a life philosophy that empowers you to break free.

It is all about growing as humans – and not being submissive and bound by strict rules, rituals, or dogmas.

The 15 Pillars of Luciddhism

Luciddhism is a constantly growing philosophical idea – but we have made 15 pillars where you can find answers to almost every question you might have. 

Here you can find a Quick overview of the 15 Pillars of Luciddhism – and below a deeper explanation of each of the pillars. 


Read much more about the idea behind and why we have created LUCIDDHISM


The Ultimate Truth does not exist

In Luciddhism we do not claim to have the ultimate truth. 

On the contrary - we don't think the ultimate truth exist at all. 

Read more about this bold claim here..

Questions and answers about Luciddhism

We know such a new concept create a lot of questions. Here  you will find answer to a lot of those questions. 

Remember to sign up for our free newsletter and get "The Little Book of Luciddhism"

There you'll be able to dig deeper into the ideas behind Luciddhism.

Questions and Answers about Sexuality

In the Lucidist mindset our sexuality is one of the strongest creative forces. It is the basis for why we are here - and it's one of our biggest feelings of pleasure.

And still the sexuality is one of the things that has been labelled as a sin - and something you need to supress and feel guilty about. The most precious joy is being called dirty - just to suppress us and control us.

Luciddhism Critique points

When you do something new – there will always be criticism. It’s totally normal for us humans to be skeptical of anything new. And its a good thing to be skeptical.  

And we are totally aware that Luciddhism will seriously ruffle some traditional religious angel feathers.

So here are some potential criticisms and counterarguments for Luciddhism. 

Read about the book

Lucid Living

I you want to know much more about Luciddhism and how to implement those principles in your life – then take a look at LUCID LIFE. 

If you thought “The Secret” was groundbreaking, prepare to have your mind completely blown.

“Lucid Living: The Art of Conscious Reality ” isn’t just the next step in personal development—it’s a quantum leap into a new paradigm of existence.

Read the
